
The chunker is responsible for splitting the documents into smaller chunks. Every chunker in Dingo must be a subclass of the agent_dingo.rag.base.BaseChunker class. The chunker should implement the chunk method, which takes a list of documents and returns a list of chunks. The chunk is an instance of the agent_dingo.rag.base.Chunk class, which contains the content as a string, a reference to the parent document, and the embedding as a list of floats (initially None).

Dingo provides a simple RecursiveChunker that splits the document recursively until the specified chunk size is reached.

from agent_dingo.rag.chunkers.recursive import RecursiveChunker

chunker = RecursiveChunker(chunk_size=512)
chunks = chunker.chunk(docs)
# [Chunk(content='...', document=Document(content='...', metadata={'source': 'file.docx', 'paragraph': 1}), embedding=None), ...]

Supported parameters:

  • chunk_size: the maximum number of characters in a chunk.
  • separators: a list of strings that can be used as separators to split the document. By default is None, in which case ["\n\n", "\n", " ", ""] are used.
  • keep_separator: a boolean flag that determines whether to keep the separators in the chunks. By default is False.
  • merge_separator: a string that is used to merge small chunks into larger ones. By default " ".