
The reader is responsible for preparing the documents for ingestion. Every reader in Dingo is a subclass of the agent_dingo.rag.base.BaseReader class. The reader should implement the read method, which takes a source identifier (e.g. a URL, a file path, etc.) and returns a list of documents. The document is an instance of the agent_dingo.rag.base.Document class, which contains the content as a string and the metadata as a (non-nested) dictionary.

List reader

The ListReader is a simple reader that reads the documents from a list of strings. It is useful for the cases when the content is already pre-loaded into memory.

from agent_dingo.rag.readers.list import ListReader

reader = ListReader()
docs = reader.read(["Document 1", "Document 2"])
# [Document(content='Document 1', metadata={'source': 'memory'}), Document(content='Document 2', metadata={'source': 'memory'})]

PDF reader

The PDFReader reads the documents from a PDF file. It uses PyPDF2 library to extract the text from the PDF file and returns a list of documents corresponding to the pages of the PDF.

from agent_dingo.rag.readers.pdf import PDFReader

reader = PDFReader()
docs = reader.read("path/to/pdf/file.pdf")
# [Document(content='...' metadata={'source': 'file.pdf', 'page': 1})]

Webpage reader

The WebpageReader reads the documents from a webpage. It uses the requests library to download the webpage and the beautifulsoup4 library to extract the text from the HTML content.

from agent_dingo.rag.readers.web import WebpageReader

reader = WebpageReader()
docs = reader.read("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)")
# [Document(content='...' metadata={'source': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)'})]

Word reader

The WordDocumentReader reads the documents from a Word file. It uses the python-docx library to extract the text from the Word file and returns a list of documents corresponding to the paragraphs of the Word document.

from agent_dingo.rag.readers.word import WordDocumentReader

reader = WordDocumentReader()
docs = reader.read("path/to/word/file.docx")
# [Document(content='...' metadata={'source': 'file.docx', 'paragraph': 1})]
RAG overview